By Tony Cruz
What comes to mind when you think of Europe? Is it Venice, London, Paris, or Amsterdam? All of these places are special and have many things to see and do. One place that many people know little of is Antwerp, Belgium. Antwerp is the second largest seaport in Europe at the tidal estuary of the Scheldt river. It began its existence in the 4th century and developed over the years into a large port city that has served Europe for centuries.
Among other economic endeavors, Antwerp is known as the “Diamond Capital of the World.” The diamond industry, as legend has it, started when the first diamond was cut in Antwerp in 1476. Since that time, over 500 years, the Antwerp diamond industry has grown into a world-renowned institution.
Antwerp earned this title. Over 80% of the world’s diamonds in both rough and cut form flow through this city. As reported by the Antwerp World Diamond Conference, a public/private organization developed to promote and maintain the diamond industry in Belgium, there are 1,700 registered diamond companies and 4,500 diamond dealers in Antwerp. All the companies and dealers are located in a square mile that consists of three traffic-free streets. It is hidden in the heart of Antwerp, just blocks from the Central Train Station.
Over 70 nationalities are represented in Antwerp’s diamond district. On any given workday, the streets are bustling with individuals from the different offices going to and from other offices to deliver and to find and develop business deals concerning diamonds. Also located in this section is HRD Antwerp. It is a wholly-owned subsidiary of AWDC. HRD Antwerp offers a highly reputable laboratory, renowned training programs, conducts essential research, and manufactures technologically advanced equipment. It has offices in China, Hong Kong, Middle East, Turkey, and India. HRD Antwerp represents the professionalism and attention to detail that is synonymous with Antwerp diamonds.
The diamond industry in this European city has endured many wars, world-wide depressions, terrorist attacks, and economic upturns and downturns. We are honored to have the privilege to go to Antwerp to find the diamonds of our customer’s dreams in the heart of the diamond industry.
Before anyone can have access to the diamond dealer’s offices, references are presented and permission to enter the buildings and offices must be given. Only those buyers that meet the requirements are allowed. JWR Jewelers has direct access to some of the world’s finest Antwerp diamond suppliers as the Athens area’s exclusive Master IJO Jeweler member of the Independent Jewelers Organization (IJO), an international Buying Group and Educational Organization for retail Jewelers. IJO has Antwerp as a resource for more than 700 members in the U.S., Canada, and Australia, and maintains buying offices in Antwerp for the use of its members.
Once inside the dealer’s offices, we are ushered to a room filled with equipment necessary to evaluate the huge parcels of beautifully cut loose diamonds. We painstakingly evaluate each diamond among dozens that meets our requirements, in order to find the very best diamond that matches our customer’s needs and desires.
We consider not only the weight, color, and clarity, we evaluate the beauty of the diamond. Does it have life? Does it sparkle? Does it say to the observer, “Pick me because I am the one that she will treasure forever”? Every diamond has its own character, and this is what we evaluate for our customers. We are “matchmakers.” We can make dreams come true.
Behind every diamond given is a story. How did the family diamond get passed down to you? How did your grandfather pick your grandmother’s diamond ring? Whether or not it is a family heirloom, your diamond’s story can begin with you. Your diamond’s story can begin with, “Our jeweler went to the diamond capital of the world and hand-picked this diamond just for us. He could have picked any one of a number of diamonds, but he chose this special one for us.”
If we are going to put our name and reputation behind a diamond, we are going to be certain it’s the quality for which JWR Jewelers is known.