Steps to a Bug-Free Oasis
By Dennis Mitchell
Outdoor living areas are on the rise, providing an oasis in your own backyard. If done right, it’s like a little vacation right out your backdoor – whether it’s sipping iced tea on a hot summer day, or wrapped up in a blanket sipping apple cider in the fall. However, nothing can put a damper on a relaxing evening like unwanted pests. Bugs can be harmful to you and even your pets. Never fear, we are here to help! Here are some of the most common pests you might find in your outdoor living space and ways to keep them away. Knowledge is power, am I right?
Red Imported Ants
Red Imported Ants – or as we call them, fire ants – are mostly known for their venom, which causes intense burning and swelling when stung. Not only do these ants pack a mean bite, but they cause billions of dollars in damages annually. Some of the ways to prevent them from moving into your yard are making sure you have no standing water (this goes for mosquitoes, too!), covering your food when you are outside, and even rubbing dryer sheets on the table and chair legs to prevent them from climbing up. You can also use a homemade mix of 1 part white vinegar and 1 part water mixture anywhere you’ve spotted ants. Because they rely on pheromones to find their way to and from food and water sources, this mixture will disrupt their trails, making it harder for them to return.
Mosquitoes are well known here in the south. Where the fire ant bite burns, a visit from a mosquito can result in itchy skin. Luckily, there are many steps you can take to prevent them from showing up uninvited! Bug spray is always a great choice (and fights against more than just mosquitoes), lighting a citronella candle or tiki torches, or planting some naturally repelling plants, such as lemongrass, rosemary, peppermint, citronella or marigolds, to name a few. They are not very strong flyers, so placing fans around in the summertime helps as well. During the cooler months, lighting a fire or even placing an empty cardboard egg carton in a safe location (such as a grill or firepit) and burning it can deter them, as they do not like the smell of a bonfire. They are also not attracted to yellow light as much as they’re attracted to traditional incandescent lights, so invest in some yellow lights. Most backyard string lights include yellow bulbs which can help add some light without attracting them.
Ticks can really deter you from going outside once you find a pesky tagalong. They carry diseases, such as Lymes disease and Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, and can be harmful to your fur babies as well. Learn where they live – they love areas that are grassy, brushy, or wooded. Routine upkeep of these areas can help prevent these pests from making their home near yours. Always check yourself and your clothing for ticks after being outside, and run your clothes on a high heat cycle for ten minutes if you do see one. Organic bug repellants work well, just remember to reapply every couple of hours.
Stink Bugs
And then there are the notorious stink bugs. Not only are they unpleasant to smell, they can be very harmful to any plants you have in your yard. Like ants, they are not a fan of dryer sheets, so rubbing down table and chair legs can help. There is also the ol’ squish tactic. If you see a few stink bugs flocking around outdoors on your deck or doorstep, squish them! While it may be a bit stinky momentarily, the odor from their fallen comrade will prevent other stink bugs from coming around. Another trick is dryer sheets. We’re not totally sure why stink bugs hate dryer sheets, but good thing they do! Rub them on your window screens to prevent these stinky guys from crawling through your windows – the more pungent the dryer sheet, the better!
As always, regular lawn care and scheduling pest control will support your desire for a bug-free oasis. You can also use some of these tips when traveling outside of your home, such as packing bug spray, placing all of your clothes in a plastic bag for the trip home, and washing everything, including vacuuming your suitcase, to ensure nothing traveled home with you. Though these are only a few of the pests that can be found hanging around, we hope this helps you take steps to create a better environment for a stay-cation, or even for going on vacation. We’re ready for a year of relaxing backyard fun. Are you?