Committees & Groups News
Traditions of Braselton September & October
Welcome Message
My name is Mike Sortor, I am the new association manager for Traditions Community Association, and I am very happy to be here!
I am new to CMA, the management company that manages Traditions but not new to association management. I have had my Georgia CAM license for 15 years. I have managed condominiums in Atlanta, neighborhoods in Sandy Springs, Gwinnett, Forsyth and four associations on Lake Lanier with marinas and boat slips.
Here is a little bit of personal information about myself. I am a father of a terrific 7-year-old that is full of energy and always keeps me on my toes. In October my fiancé and I are planning on getting married. We are hoping that everything stays open, and everyone stays healthy.
When I arrived here at Traditions, I was introduced to the remarkable team here at the community. Jenny Guess, the administration property assistant, and Chance Reynolds, the maintenance technician to the property. The two of them are a vital asset to the community and have been a huge help to me. I am very lucky to be part of such a great team at Traditions.
I have already met a lot of neighbors and committee members in my six weeks out here. I look forward to meeting and working with all the members at Traditions of Braselton.
Social Committee
Time and time again I hear…I did not hear about this event…I did not read your email! Please make sure you read the emails that are from the social committee if not you will not know about the events that are going on here at Traditions. If you are not getting the emails, please go to Traditions of Braselton.org and make sure your correct email is there and make sure your settings for receiving emails is correct! Follow the Traditions Facebook page or our private Facebook page. We post all of our events on these pages. Keep in mind all events are subject to changes, so please pay close attention to these three avenues for updates and changes!
It is been a busy summer here at Traditions. We hope you all have enjoyed the events that we have planned. Sunday Funday
Our first Sunday Funday was quite a success. Everyone enjoyed music from Departure, the Ultimate Journey Tribute Band, Uncle Chet’s was serving up barbecue and we had delicious ice-cream by YOM Ice Cream Company. What a way to kick off summer!
Pool Party
Traditions know how to celebrate our country’s birthday! What a fun time everyone had. From the 4th of July parade to enjoying music around the pool! We want to thank Take 3 for rocking the day away, Encore Elite Catering for serving up hotdogs and hamburgers, and Tiki’s for cooling us down with some shaved ice!
Back to School
It was back to school for our Traditions kiddos on July 30th. Wow, who knew we had so many beautiful children in our neighborhood! The social committee served up pizza and we enjoyed one of our favorite popups… Java Joy and their Joyista’s serving up ice cream and iced coffee for everyone! We also want to thank DJ Thundercat for spinning our favorite tunes all afternoon! Man…can our kid’s hula hoop!
Comfort and Care Committee
Dear neighbors, If you have had a loss in your immediate family, or you have become aware of another Traditions of Braselton family who has had a loss in their immediate family, please let us know. We are dedicated to offering kindness and care when families need it the most. We will send a card offering our condolences to show our neighborhood support during this difficult time. Additionally, if you would like to send a meal to the family, we are happy to help you set up a meal train. Please reach out to the committee to set up a consultation. Our service is provided to TOB residents only. We encourage you to reach out and contact us at: comfortandcare@traditionsofbraselton.org.
Thanks from Lyn Coburn, Hospitality’s Comfort & Care Sub-Committee.
Pins and Needles
You are invited to sew with us at the “Pins & Needles”. The group quilts, sews, embroiders, appliqués, knits, crochets, and any other type of handwork you enjoy. We meet at the Traditions of Braselton Owner’s Clubhouse at 1665 Traditions Way, Jefferson, GA 30549 every third Friday of the month from 9:30 am to 3:00 pm.
Bring your projects, lunch, drinks, and other equipment like a sewing machine, additional lighting, a power strip, and extension cords. An iron, ironing board, and cutting mat will be provided.
If you plan to attend or any have questions, please call Pam Poppe at 706-654-4776 or email her at poppepampaul@gmail.com. We hope you join us!
Thanks from Pam Poppe at Pins & Needles Group.
Golf Group
Ladies’ Golf Group
Currently, the ladies have standing tee times Monday at 11:00 am and Tuesday through Friday at 9:20 am. Starting November 2nd, the Tuesday through Friday times will start at 10:20 am due to the change to EST. You need to call the pro shop 48 hours in advance to reserve your spot. You can make reservations for up to two weeks at a time. If you just show up without a reservation, you take the chance of there not being an opening. Do not worry about handicaps since the skill levels vary widely. These women golf for fun.
For more information, contact Pam Poppe at poppepampaul@gmail.com or 706-654-4776.
Senior Men’s Golf Group
The senior men gather to play an organized format on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. You never know who you will get paired with on these days, so it is a great opportunity to meet your fellow neighbors and make new friends. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, it is just play with whomever you like (assuming they want to play with you too). Our block of tee times starts at 11:00 am on Monday and 9:30 am on Tuesdays through Friday. Starting November 2nd, the Tuesday through Friday times will start at 10:30 am due to the time change. You need to call the pro shop 48 hours in advance to reserve your spot. You can make reservations for up to two weeks at a time. If you just show up without a reservation, you take the chance of there not being an opening. Play as often or as little as you like; just show up at least 15 minutes before the first tee time. This is a social group with members of varying skill levels.
For more information, contact Steve Morrell at shmorrell44@gmail.com or (home)706-654-6034 or (cell) 770-861-6102.
Men’s Group (MGA)
Come out and meet your neighbors in this fun and welcoming group. The Traditions men’s group has weekly organized games on Wednesdays at 12:00 pm and Saturdays/Sundays starting at 7:30 am. We also sponsor fun monthly tournaments throughout the year. Members can register to play online through Golf Genius. The MGA has neighbors of all skill levels and ages.
For additional information, please contact Wayne Freeman at 706-346-9519 or wfree17@yahoo.com.
Tennis Committee
The Traditions of Braselton community served a Round Robin tennis match Saturday night to benefit local community worker Kristen Stevenson to support her battle with breast cancer.
As the blazing July sun started to set and the court lights burned bright, the crowd of bubblegum pink arrived with large smiles and pink gear ready to lift Kristen up and show her the kind of love and support we all hope to have in times of struggle.
Kristen was diagnosed 7 short weeks ago with Invasive Ductal Carcinoma and was immediately scheduled for a double mastectomy. After two surgeries the future is now looking bright for the 38-year-old as she can now consider herself cancer-free from a surgical standpoint. As Kristen looks chemo treatments dead in the eye, one thing is for certain, this girl is a force to be reckoned with. “When cancer shows up, you stand up and do what you have to do to get it done and get back to living life!” Kristen said as she closed the night out with a huge smile and a grateful heart. Kristen and her husband Nick have been blown away by the support and love they have received in the past few weeks from our community as meals have arrived, donations have been given, the Round Robin was played, and a golf tournament on July 23rd is underway (open to the public). Kristen stayed for the entire match as speeches were given, tears were shed and appreciation, love, and support filled the hearts of everyone who showed up to support.
This was not the first time this community has done this for a resident, and it surely will not be the last. If you would like to show your support, there are spots available for the FU-CANCER Shoot-Out on July 23rd at The Traditions of Braselton golf course.
If you are looking to join a team or have any questions, please email: tenniscommittee@traditionsofbraselton.org. Thank you from Tennis Committee.
The Home That Sheila Fest and Traditions Built
What if you could be a part of something that is bigger than yourself?
What if you could help build something that will keep giving hope long after we are gone?
What if you could build a home for a family in need?
Let me tell you what has got all of us at Sheila Fest so excited! iServe Ministries is planning to build the Village of Hope. The Village of Hope will provide transitional housing for the working homeless and insecure families of NE Georgia.
Each cottage home will be dedicated to an organization, group, or company that helped build it. We are excited to announce that Sheila Fest and Traditions of Braselton have been selected to have our names dedicated to one of the cottages! The plaque will read “The Home that Sheila Fest/Traditions of Braselton Built.”
You see, my secret goal this year was to be able to donate $50,000 to iServe Ministries. People thought I was crazy when I said that. Well, a few weeks ago I met with Jeff and Sherry, the founders of iServe Ministries, and they told me about their vision for the Village of Hope and the dedication to Sheila Fest and Traditions of Braselton. I was floored when they told me that it costs exactly $50,000 to build each cottage home. They didn’t even know yet that was the same amount as my secret goal!
The cottages will be 2-bedroom, 2-bathroom 800 square foot cottages. A 10,000 square foot community center. Each family will spend a year at the Village of Hope and will have a mentor alongside them for support. Families will take classes in financial planning, parenting, cooking, etc. Families will be charged a reduced rent which encourages saving for the future. iServe will match savings at the end of that year. 90+ families in our school systems are considered homeless. Our community can take classes at the Village of Hope community center to earn Dream Dollars to redeem for items at the general store.
So, let’s do this! I know that we can. Please help us raise enough money to build one of these houses. Last year we donated $28,000, so let’s double that amount! I am completely humbled by the fact that they chose us and I know I can count on you to help with this goal. Your sponsorship of any of our 3 Sheila Fest events, your donation to the silent auction, or even a monetary donation will help us give the gift of a lifetime to a family in need! Visit our website to learn more about how to provide support for our cause: www.SheilaFest.com.
Thank you, from Sheila Anderson.