Beth Grimes, Empty Nesters Planning Committee Chair
Empty Nesters Committee
The day was Saturday, May 1, 2021. The place was the Owners’ clubhouse. The Empty Nesters came together to cheer on their favorite horse in the Derby, have a fiesta good time. We combined the theme this year because our event was the actual derby day and the next day was Cinco de Mayo. So why not celebrate both.
Our decorations were like-minded as well. They ranged from our Fiesta table tops to derby hats and anything horses. Again we enjoyed meeting many new neighbors, as our group is rapidly growing with all of the new construction in the neighborhood and finally being able to get out in groups again.
Our first order of business was watching the Kentucky Derby, cheering on our favorites, while we munched on appetizers brought by our members. Thanks to Bryan Allen for his tech services. Several women wore their derby hats for the contest and even a few men got in on the act.
Next, we moved on to a yummy taco bar while sipping on some margaritas. The desserts brought by members satisfied everyone’s sweet tooth.
Once we were stuffed and had shared many a good laugh we started playing games. Even though many needed to be coaxed into playing, all had a good time. I know we sound like a bunch of kids playing games, but even the kid’s games get very competitive. A lot of encouragement, cheering and jeering going on around the horse race game.
We started with Pin the Tail on the horse. While being spun around three times made many of us very dizzy, it did make for some interesting pinnings. Several did not believe the spinner was leading them in the right direction, just to throw them off (we only picked on a few). Cindy Hohman received her Fabulous prize for being closest.
Then came the horse race. Everyone picked their favorite horse and rolled the dice to see how far their horse would move on the track. Lots of wishing on the roll of the dice and heckling those high rollers. The winners from each round moved on to the race-off. Don’t you know those horses were getting tired! The overall winner was Pam Poppe, by a nose. She also received a Fabulous prize.
Nancy Bolen won the hat contest with her margarita glasses and horses.
The finale of the night was the donkey piñata with his garland of ceremonial of roses. Thanks to some ingenuity on our EN committee, we had the piñata hanging high off of a long pole and ladder. The plan was to blindfold each player, spin them around, line them up and give them one whack at it. Since Pam won the horse race, we thought it only fitting she got to go first. Although one whack was not enough for her as she just kept swinging, but to no avail. It was going to be tough, so we asked Bryan Allen to give it a try. Well in one swing he knocked it off its hook, but did not break it. The best swing of the night went to Bryan Allen, swinging while Beth Grimes held it in her hands, oh my! What was she thinking! We were finally done and just broke it apart to find some yummy candies and a few adult libations were inside. . So much fun to watch.
We continued to party throughout the night just enjoying talking to friends.
Our next events (June, July and August) will be pool parties hosted at various homes. Be looking for the evite for the June 10, 2021 pool party.
If you’d like to join us please email emptynesters@traditionsofbraselton.org with name(s), address, best phone number and best email address. Hope to see you soon.