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By Abby Wilkerson Cities have long considered public art a key component of a vibrant community — an essential element of placemaking and city design, a tool for promoting community connectedness and economic development, and a means of providing people with experiences. Vibrant, thriving communit

By Alejandro Ortiz With few exceptions, no other type of wine is more misunderstood than rosé, and yet, no other wine asks less of its audience. Rosés purpose is its no-hassle, anti-boogey sensibility, and delicious drinkability. Let’s get some alternative facts out of the way first: rosé wines

By Simone Bergese The Southern Fox. What a lovely name for the grapevine species that represents the native and original viticulture identity of the Southeast and South Central areas of the United States. You might know her better under the name of Muscadine or Scuppernong, but her real name is Viti


Southern Distinction educates readers about the finer aspects of the southern lifestyle. From fine dining to leisure and vacation, we know the classic South, and our region has plenty to offer.